Silva Rerum III

Published: 2014
ISBN: 9789955237525
Number of pages: 314
Dimensions: 145 mm x 225 mm
Cover: Hardback
Publisher: UAB Baltų lankų leidyba
The years 1748-1749, years of relative political stability. Unfortunately, Vilnius is devastated by two great fires, for which the Jews are blamed, the city has to be rebuilt by the Silesian architect Johann Christoph Glaubitz, and the country is being eroded from within by the corruption and decadence. Piotr Antoni Narwoysz, the son of Jan Izydor and the grandson of Kazimierz is wealthy and influent, and enjoying the protection of Prince Radziwiłł. But this protection comes for a price – Piotr Antoni is entangled in a scandal of the princely family: one of the Radziwiłłs, a controversial genius Marcin Mikołaj, who is notorious for his harem of mistresses and fascination with alchemy and Kabbalah, is said to have converted into Judaism. Out of this tragedy, which probably has inspired the Jewish legend of the Righteous Convertite of Vilna, nobody will come out intact – nor the reputation of the Radziwiłłs, nor Piotr Antoni, whose family life is stormed by an adventuress Balbetta. "The twilight before the dawn of Enlightment", the epoch's fascination with esotherics, the escapism of the Rococo and the decadence – are just a few themes of the third part.
Other books by Kristina Sabaliauskaitė
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