When Pigeon was a Parrot

Published: 2016
ISBN: 9789955811930
Number of pages: 104
Publisher: UAB Dominicus Lituanus
It’s a book that tells a story about pigeons that were kidnapped by crows, dreams coming true, adventures in the sea and true friendship. It is full of witty humor, which, according to the author Tomas Dirgėla, is the second best thing in the world after children.
Pigeon Stephen dreams of becoming a parrot. And not just a simple parrot – a parrot of a pirate! Bus driver Alben wants to be a pirate. And so, because of the coincidence, they end up in a car floating in the sea. Stephen is willing to save his best friend that is being held in slavery, while Alben is eager to find a lost bus. While trying to reach their goals, a pirate and his pigeon experience the weirdest adventures.
Can an ordinary pigeon become a pirate’s parrot all of a sudden? Can a bus driver become a pirate? What if they achieve heroic things? Everything is possible if you are dreaming strong enough.
Other books by Tomas Dirgėla
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