Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė

Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė (1976) is the first Lithuanian to receive the European Union Prize for Literature. Her prose is very feminine, deeply psychological, and even Freudian. She portrays people in difficult and unusual emotional situations, and watches them disentangling themselves. She often analyses families, and relationships between men and women. However, in her works, painful and hard experiences are usually for the best, as they inspire, or even force, necessary changes, in order to make her characters better people. In this sense, she is a very optimistic writer, with a strong faith in a human being. She has written three novels and several collections of short prose, and she is also quite successful as a playwright. Her play "Liučė čiuožia" has been put on in Lithuania, Russia, Italy and Scandinavian countries.
Černiauskaitė’s third novel "Medaus mėnuo" won critical acclaim and was awarded the Jurga Ivanauskaitė Prize.
Černiauskaitė’s third novel "Medaus mėnuo" won critical acclaim and was awarded the Jurga Ivanauskaitė Prize.